Poptropica cheats for Big Nate

Poptropica cheats for Big Nate

Welcome to Big Nate Island, which looks very different than all the other quests in Poptropica. It is prepared in the style of Big Nate comics by Lincoln Pierce. Big Nate Island will help you make a time capsule that was hidden to be found a century ago. Time Capsule is rumored to be a treasure in it, and everyone on the island to search. Big Nate helps you find treasure and save the school on the island, which is falling apart.

Text Walkthrough for Big Nate

  1. When you arrive at Big Nate Island, head right and go to the Comic Book Store (the classicizing Komix) and talk to the guy right in the tan shirt and blue jeans. He will tell you he needs help finding all the missing pieces in a cartoon.
  2. Go outside and go left. Visit Pop-In Shoppe. Houses one of the comedy parts on the bench on the top floor of the store.
  3. Go out and run right up until the picture to save it. Go inside and you will need another strip on top of one of the lights in the right way.
  4. Go back outside and walk a few steps to the right. Climb the telephone pole to the top and you will see another piece of the strip to find.
  5. Go right until you arrive at the school. It looks pretty broken and there are a lot of unfinished construction began. Go to school and walk up the stairs to the right. To find another piece of the strip on one of the speakers broken in the wall.
  6. Now go to the Science Lab and go to the extreme left of the room. You will see a model of the solar system hanging from the ceiling. There is a piece of the strip there. Intervene and allow the Science Lab.
  7. Go outside the school and then jump on windowsills. Do you see a number of propositions on the right and one of the comic pieces sit on top of a gall of bricks. Grab it and jump down.
  8. Then go right to the playground. Go all the way to the top of the playground structure and a comic piece you'll find on the left. It is a bit floating around in the air above the two green and yellow flags. Jump up and grab it. Then jump down the playground structure.
  9. Turn right and you come in bunches Point. There is a lighthouse here. Go all the way to the top of one another and you will strip at the top of the pointed roof see. While you're here, take a look through the telescope next to the man who is painting. Move the telescope to the right until you see a piece of paper stuck between some rocks.
  10. Now jump down to the left of the lighthouse. If you fall, you see a black and white photographs floating around. Trying to intervene. If you miss to climb back to the lighthouse and try again until you.
  11. Now you have all the comedy parts. Click on the comic element in your backpack and then re-arrange the pieces so they fit into the correct order. You can see some writing on the edges, and writing should end up in the middle. When finished, you will see that the Scripture a locker combination, which gives: nine three zero five (9305).
  12. Go back left and back to the Comic Shop. Go and click on the man. He will be very glad you found and give you some gum as a gift.
  13. Let the Comic Shop and go back into the photo shop. Talk to the guy on the left and give the old photo of his commercial diving equipment. If you do, you leave the store and turn right.
  14. Go back to school and go inside. Go back to the Science Lab. This time, click the torch on top of the table next to the tube. Turn the knob on the burner to third Fill half the cup with the blue liquid, and then half of the amber liquid. When the cup is full, you get a stink bomb!
  15. Walk outside the lab and head left where you see a row of lockers. Click the one with all the things that sticks out of the closet and in the combination of writing about the comic: 9305th When you open the lock, cabinet packed explosion of all things, and you get shot down. Go back to the closet and pick up paper on the floor. It turns out that they one school blueprint.
  16. Head outside the Science Lab in the hallway downstairs. You will see a sign that says No chewing gum. Hey, we're not following the rules! Open your backpack and use the rubber, the comic shop guy gave you. Once you blow a bubble, a woman comes out and sends you into custody.
  17. Use stink bombs in your inventory. The arrest lady leaves the room because of bad smell. After she leaves, go to the green filing cabinet to the right and click on it to reveal a secret ladder. Click on the ladder to enter.
  18. Climb down the ladder. It's pretty dark, but there is a switch on the bottom of the ladder. Click it to turn the lights on. Turn right and you will be a bronze thing hanging on a hook above the bench to see. This is the bell-clap of the school bell. Grab it and go back up the ladder.
  19. Get out of the school and walk all the way to the lighthouse. Go out on the dock and on your equipment. Then jump in the water and then when the cursor Dive says.
  20. You'll be under water and you have only a little oxygen, so you have to move really fast. Just swim to the right and then straight down. Lift the lobster trap on the ocean floor and let your oxygen runs out. You will have again at the start and then you just swim back to the dock. Once there, the fall of the sailor at the dock. He gives you the lobster was inside and the keys to his jet ski.
  21. Climbing back up the lighthouse and lobster on the light use. It will serve as a key and turn easy to deal with school. This will scare the gull, who is out there. If you have not looked through the telescope next to the man who has been painting here (see above), then look through it and until the paper on the rocks moving.
  22. Jump back and go on the Jet Ski. Big Nate is going to jump on the other and challenge you to a race. You have to beat him on the island. The best way to do this is to move as far right as possible, allowing you to keep up with him and avoid the gull eggs drops. Every few seconds, an obstacle appears as a bend in the water and you'll have to skip to avoid slain. Because you completely on the right you will see no obstacles in time. Just jump up every few seconds and try to get the timing right. New objects in the water like every three seconds.
  23. If you beat Nate to the island, jumping on top of the cliff and press the two seals on the left so that the cut ends. Run and jump into the abyss of the piece of paper and grab it. It's a card for the time capsule!
  24. Now walk all the way to school and jump to the bell tower on top. Open your backpack and use to replace the bell clapper. This will be the bell, which sends the girls on the playground again.
  25. Run back to the left to the playground and go to the clubhouse on top with "Kids Only" sign. Once inside, click on the paper that says "Go to jail." This is a simple Hangman and Big Nate will challenge for a game. If the word problem, he will give you a couple of old peanut butter cookies as a prize.
  26. Let the clubhouse and jump straight down. Go to the place in the center of the earth where the girls were. If you forget which way it is the empty space between the two boards in the middle of the structure.
  27. Open your backpack and use peanut butter crackers. This will call the dog, and he'll dig right where you fell cracker. When he digs his hole, Time Capsule appears!
  28. Click on the Time Capsule to zoom in on. Click and drag to lift out of the hole, and then click the yellow lock to open.
  29. Find a pearl in the time capsule, which is worth enough money to save the school. A newspaper published the story. Click the Close button and the detention lady arrives. She gives you the island medallion. Congratulations!
That wraps it up for Big Nate Island. You get 100 points for finishing the island along with your medal. (source: poptropicasecrets.com)


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